Quills x HYPOSTATIC (Mike Vance)

Table of Contents


Below are the components I would suggest building to drive a significant increase in consumer subscription sales. It’s important to have a strong destination (landing page) in place before driving traffic to the Quills website. Adding elements like social proof are *as* important as optimizing the site’s design, if not more important. The tone brands use to communicate is quickly evolving and customers are increasingly looking for quirky authenticity.

💸 Subscription Landing Page

A subscription-focused landing page that walks the customer through a clear sales journey — including explanation of the service, social proof, and a clear CTA. This would include photography and GIFs to support the design.

🪄 Magic Coffee Picker (viral marketing)

If you’ve noticed the flurry of people posting their Spotify Wrapped report each year, you know shareable content that is fun and personalized has great potential. People love to show off content that reflects their preferences and personality.


An interactive quiz that helps people find the perfect coffee beans can play on these mechanics. This would be a standalone “tool” that lives independently from the main Quills site. You can think of it as a digital pop-up experience.


Each visitor would answer a series of questions, both about their coffee preferences and also about their broader interests. In the end, it would recommend the best fit for them and provide a CTA to subscribe to monthly deliveries. It would also provide a shareable image they can post to their Instagram story.

The branding around this coffee quiz would be quirky and playful (a URL like MagicCoffee.ai). The site design would echo Gumroad and Cash App — clean, colorful and illustrated. Ideally, the Quills Owl would be a hero character throughout the experience!

Example from Cash App
Example from Cash App
Example from Gumroad
Example from Gumroad

💁‍♀️ Social Proof Campaign

A collection of written and video testimonials from several real customers who have Quills Coffee subscriptions. They don’t need to be “influencers” they just need to be actual customers who can record a compelling selfie video on their iPhone or write a quick shoutout. This content will be useful on multiple channels. It’d make a great Instagram Ad campaign, and be invaluable on the Subscriptions landing page.


📧 Email Drip

Shopify visitor data can be used to serve email drips to customers who show interest in subscriptions. It may also be possible to integrate the email solution with Magic Coffee Picker to capture more emails.


Below are some package options that show the investment necessary to tackle various combinations of these components. Ideally, each piece would work together to create an effective sales funnel. However, some combinations could function independently to create a felt difference.

🕸 Breakdown

Everything 🎉 | Landing Page + Social Proof + Email Drip + Magic Coffee Picker
Focused 🔍 | Landing Page + Social Proof
Magic 🪄 | Magic Coffee Picker
Monthly Retainer (alternative to packages) | Building + Coaching

🤝 Conclusion

I love Quills! And so does everyone else I know. It would be a pleasure to help harness some of the joy that is commonly inspired by the Quills brand on a local level and spread it into new markets. Quills’ value-add to my life, and my community, is tremendous.

Some potential KPIs to focus on that can cumulatively drive overall subscriptions would be:

  • Web Visitor Conversion Rate
  • Email Subscriber Open Rate / Click-Through
  • Instagram Click-Through

Let’s make cool things together! ☕️

🧠 Random Ideas for The Future™

  1. April Fools “fake product” campaign (i.e. Coffee for babies)
  2. Portrait series of dogs on a JC Penny backdrop with Quills bags + merch
  3. Massive “First Customer” 🥳 celebration for one lucky winner to be the first through the doors of a new location
  4. The Quills Story: A short documentary about the history and vision of Quills